Accelerate Yourself & Your Business. Join Our #1 Membership Today
A consortium of business owners and entrepreneursFor the African and Caribbean diaspora.
Membership Packages
TEAMS Global Member
- A conduit to networking
- A strong business education and training
- Ongoing self-development
- Support and advise for a wide range of small and medium sized businesses across
business sectors
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TEAMS Global Member Plus
- A conduit to networking
- A strong business education and training
- Ongoing self-development
- Support and advise for a wide range of small and medium sized businesses across
business sectors
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Other Membership Options
- Further details available on request
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Inspiring African & Caribbean Businesses
Each One, Teach One
About TEAMs
The consortium is made up of registered traders who offer a range of services and products to the general public nationally and internationally.
The consortium celebrates its opportunities by providing a suite of benefits to its members in the way of promotions, business reductions, seasonal discounts, internal support, along with educational tools to increase self and business development.
We Invite
You To
Come and Meet Us
Book a meeting, lets have an informal chat so we can get to know each other. We will explain more about TG, about our wonderful members, our events and future plans
How TG Works
Our consortium stay in touch regularly via online chat and video conferencing platforms. In addition we have physical meetups throughout the year
Each One, Teach One
We encourage members to share and use each other’s business services. We offer a warm family environment to support both business and personal growth